short and sweet. Good on the ears and eyes.
short and sweet. Good on the ears and eyes.
woo 8-bits of glory!
loved the soundtrack!
double boosh
That made so much sense my ass hurts.
blat blat
"you gotta shot a missile to blat blat the powermajigger"
Your critically hit my heart with that one, Egoraptor.
I felt the pacing was rather slow, the time between jokes seemed to get longer and longer. LOLcats is great because its so funny, i find this movie to be a bit underwhelming.
credits forever?
Opening credits went on way too log, and I like credits. Nice visual syle, but I closed the window before the movie ever started.
sweet backgrounds
awesome look, I loved the real backgrounds. Did you process them in photoshop?
Yup! I got the photos off googles. However, the photos were all taken in day time so I need to tweak it quite abit. I use filter effects and change the tone of colour using photo filter and colour blending.
EDIT: I'm not going to use the photos anymore so the new backgrounds will now be all drawn.
AH! It Freezes!
I'm having problems, the movie is freezing on this frame: zenFrame.png
It breaks my heart! Love the animation, hope this bug can be figured out. Thats not where it ends, does it? I right click and it reads "Flash 9, Movie Not Loaded"
audio issues
Couldn't understand the dialog because of the audio quality. Try raising your Bit Rate in your Export window's settings. A new mic wouldn't hurt either.
Video game DJ & music producer, recovering Flash animator
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 4/19/04